I have been using Quicken for several years. I do everything off line and use Quicken to check on the banks (banks do occasionally make mistakes). I was forced to upgrade from Quicken 2007 to keep up with hardware and operating system upgrades.
Quicken 2007 was laid out nicely and was reasonably intuitive.
Quicken 2016 is set up in a completely different format. The help files are less than satisfactory. If you search help on a subject you get references to buttons you can’t find on the display. I have had problems printing the Help files for later reference. A detailed manual you could print would really help.
Using it isn’t intuitive. It took me at least 20 minutes and several tries to successfully transfer money from my checking account to an auto loan.
When you try to access technical support the proposed wait times I’ve experienced have been 60 min. for telephone help and 20 to 25 min. for on line chat. I have never gotten through to tech support. While waiting for them I hacked around until I figured it out.
I’ve started keeping important tax records in a spreadsheet. I used to print Quicken reports for this purpose.
I cannot in, in good conscience, reccommend this product.
Wally 1296159 about Quicken 2016, v3.4.1